28 August 2006

Goodbye's downright stink!

I hate them, I hate them, I do not like them Amy I am!

Today I went to register my kids for school. i about broke down when I had to fill out the "emergency contact" portion. I had to get 2 people besides the parents. Holy Cow! I don't know even one I can truly trust let alone 2.

At home I can think of 5 good ones, and 15 if I had to stretch it out. but man, it was a real eye opener of just how alone we are on the adventure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy...I feel for you. It will get better though, I promise. Keep writing we love you. We will pray for you.

7:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree....stinky-poo. You will soon find a friend - someone that needs a 'family' - just like you. We found some...Hatch, Townsend, Stoneman, Lyonnais are a few that come to mind. They are there - you will find them. You are only alone in location...you are 'with us' in every prayer and thought. Mom

8:12:00 AM  
Blogger Shiela Lee said...

Took my turkeys to school today and had that same "who do I write down" issue - granted, I can still use "locals" - I just have to give them an extra half hour to get anywhere! LOL

Hang in there. I remember being so excited to move to Utah - and then so sad once I was there. I promise it gets better...as excited as I was when it was time to move back home, I can honestly say I shed many tears over the friends we were leaving in Utah...the ones that I had no idea were there when we first moved in!

You just have to find an "Amy" - that's always worked for me. LOL

2:12:00 PM  

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