A video of Sarah
I have been trying to upload some videos to this blog using blogger, and it's just plain stunk! I stop waiting after 2 hrs. because it doesn't upload! so I used youtube to upload it uploaded in like 10 min. so, here's the link
click on Sarah Singing
I hope it works. Just let me know what you think? Is it easy to see? TIA!
Loved this!! She is so cute. I didn't even notice the eye until you pointed it out. love her!!
Hey Amy,
You have been asking questions by commenting on my blog and didn't know if you'd go back there to see if I answered your questions, so I decided to answer them on here...
I got my pressure cooker from simplylivingsmart.com. LOVE IT. Rachel has one too.
Yes, we are coming for the reunion and we will be at Shelley's on Memorial Day! Would love to see you if you can make it...
I would love you to post on Mark and what your plans are...graduation... etc.
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