04 June 2009

Be grateful we don't have picts this week.

Our family really knows how to do sick!

This week has been quite horrible!
Everyone except Dad and Brooke have been sick.

Mom has had hives from scalp to toe and very painful besides the feeling IIIIICCHHHYYYYYY! Like no other

the rest of the family have had the puke and other end stuff ! Even little Rebecca! Sarah's first experience with puking. She kept trying to talk thru the puking. Saying "what is this momma" Very sad!

Besides lots of rest and staying home. It is no way to spend our first week of summer vacation. But I am so glad I haven't had to get kids up and ready for school. Whew that would have been horrible!

So, you are very glad we have not given any pictures this week, our house is a wreck, and plenty of tired kids. I think I am past asking the kids "are you gonna puke?" Every 5 min.

I am grateful Mark wasn't sick he has held us together. He has had to work, so he comes home and plays nurse to all that aren't able to get up to get whatever they need. He has been amazing!

We are over the worst part I am sure. Mostly because I can be a contributor. I still have hives but I can at least ignore them enough to help the family manage. Spencer is still tired and taking naps which is not normal, and Sarah has worn the same shorts for 2 days and said this morning. . ."mom, can I change these shorts these ones are getting boring"

So I think we are on the mend, the dishes are all bleached and cleaned, laundry just need folded and a clean up of all the bedrooms and we are back in business. Let the summer begin, and don't you dare get sick!


Blogger dippyrooroo said...

Oh! How awful! I'm glad everyone is on the mend!

10:41:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey it's Vivian! You probably forgot about me! I swear I saw someone at church Sunday that could be a Rumsey and was going to see if I could find pictures of one of any of them online. I found your blog! I saw that you live in Utah. We live in Idaho. Actually my son Deegan and Ty and Kyla's daughter Marissa were in the same kindergarten class. I'd love to catch up with ya. My e-mail address vivianhanks@netzero.com
Cute family!! Love, Viv

1:06:00 PM  

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