29 August 2006


Ok, this is what happened today.

The girls went to their first day at school today. I love Brooke's teacher. She is really good. Autumn's teacher is very organized, has a good plan of action of what she really wants to have happen. I love to know what to expect.

Mark got his cell phone stuff figured out. He now has a utah phone number, so now he can start drumming up carpet business.

i got to talk to Cody today, he helped me figure out the whole cingular plan. Just figuring out our cell phone options. Talked about how much we love government red tape!

Got a call from Utah basic health, got the inital contact underway.

Celebrated Spencer's birthday. Had the worst cake I have ever eaten, I don't know why, I guess this oven is different. It was dried out and hocky puck like. It didn't rise at all. Gross, but he loved the frosting.

Got a call from Linsay my cousin who invited me to a babyshower for her sister my other cousin so I was able to go up to visit them, Jenni so kindly gave me a ride, cuz I don't know my way around the corner let alone clear up to a different town. It was so so nice. I got to see Linz, Brackon, who smiles at the drop of a hat, Shelley, her husband Jordan their little Chantel who is a little model. Shay shay, and little Jack, oh, my gosh, he snuggle right in to my arm, and Ryan. He was just marvelous. He was just so wonderful, he will be such a good dad. he's fun and happy!

Came home and Mark had bought me a babyswing off a link of craigslist that mom sent me. We only spent 15 bucks! AWESOME, it's like almost new! I am happy.

Big day, I am tired and ready for bed!

We are so, so blessed. I am a happy momma tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fabulous update. I have read it three times. Big day. Aren't cousies great!?! I love you had a chance to see them and the babies. Family - you are still by family.
In another week you will feel like Provo old-timers!

7:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're far away, but these blogs are fabulous! Talk to "mama and aunties" everyday! What a treat!

You're gonna make it Amy...each day better.

I think your life is exciting!

4:58:00 PM  

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