23 February 2009

A full week

Joy school

I am hosting it this week for Spencer's class. It's on spontaneity and ironically it will take me quite a bit of prep time. Since this is my first time teaching, hopefully it will get easier.

blue and gold dinner

I am in charge of a table centerpiece that is about Washington state, hmmm, not sure on that one. And a dessert

2 mo. checkup

For my little girl. She's that old already! I can't believe it. I am curious to see how big she is. She's been sick this week, and not feeling the greatest and eating is not her priority, even though it is mine! I'm glad I get to take her in.

sharing time

Always a dreader until it's prepared then it doesn't seem that hard. Just don't want to prepare for it. I would rather take a nap.

homemade yogurt, oatmeal, granola, asian beef and noodle stirfry

We are really trying to take care of our family in a much healthier way. I made homemade yogurt last night with Keifer starter, in my CROCKPOT!!!! Here's the recipe. It has 10x the amount of probiotics than normal yogurt, and no artificial sweeteners or fat necessary. I sweeten it with fresh fruit! YUM! I had it on my home made steel cut oats. And I have a batch of my well tried and adapted granola recipe from my aunt. It is so darn good! And home made bread, that's on Thursday and for dinner we had the best asian beef and noodle stirfry with brocoli and my own concotion of ginger peanut sauce! I loved it, and suprisingly so did Mark.

sell those darn puppies! Yeah! And then have Mr. Handy clean my carpets and have it be a clean nice place to be. I'm looking forward to THAT one! Whew!

I'll try to update you on how the week goes. I hope to be able to do another speed scrap on Wed. night. We'll have to see and I have some felt that is calling my name. With some really cute fabric that would love to accompany it.

Until later, I have to clean my house!


Blogger Shaina said...

I got the material for the purse at Walmart, I believe! Also, I know what you mean about flimsy purses. It's all about an extra layer of lining in the middle. Makes it firm and supportive! You should try it.
By the way, yogurt in the crockpot?? I'll have to try that one!

2:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok we are trying the yogurt. Thanks for reminding me.
Is RR okay?
How's the girls curly curls?

12:01:00 PM  

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