27 November 2005

Black Friday

yes, this is actually sunday morning. . . early. but it really has taken me this long to recover from the ordeal of black friday. I did go out in the muck of it.

I first went to Toys R Us, got in line at 5:15, and (the whole time thinking WHAT am I doing! Why am I supporting such an obsird practice!!!) they weren't suppose to open until 6 and I wasn't the first one in line by a longshot! But, they opened at 5:30! How nice of them! So, I got in swiftly get my 3 things, and leave without a hitch. Go to Home Depot, and get in line, and realize they aren't open yet. Thank heavens, they open at 6:00, I get pushed and poked, and just plain ping ponged from one end of the isle to the other. However, successful in my loot finding. Then, while driving to my next destination. Turn on the radio to listen to what is going on at Wal-mart, they definately have to have a play by play of that rat race (on 87.7). Sure enough, and a side note they say, "be careful of pick pocketers they work best by just brushing against you or bump into you as they pass, so keep a description of the person who brushes into you, incase is it a case of pick pocketing" Meanwhile, I'm thinking ok, the whole entire store FULL of people at Home Depot would be placed in that category.

So, my assumption is, that EVERYONE no matter if you are on the news or not, at 6:00 am do not make sense. Even ME, as I go shopping at 6:00 am to "save money" it just doesn't make sense, none the less. I participated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sure is crazy to get out there on Black Friday. So many greedy people out to get what they want at a great price. It is crazy but fun! I just also wanted to say that I love your blog. I think it would be fun to have one. I want to tell you I check it like I do my email. I always read it but don't always comment but then I thought about it and decided it is like email and if no one leaves any comments it is like emailing a friend and not having them email back. Well, anyway, keep up the good work and know that I am always reading your cute little experiences. Love Jill

10:41:00 PM  

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