All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.
29 December 2008
05 December 2008
Egyptian Licorice Tea
Is the best stuff in the world! I love love love it! It is my new favorite! The favorite brand. . YOGI TEA. It is the most greatest flavor with that warm soothing going down my throat, makes me feel so good, especially with my sore throat! Num Yummy!
04 December 2008
Just a few funnies
Just the other day Spencer came up to me after being outside, (Our neighbor has a wreath on her door) and said "Hey mom, It's almost Christmas, that means you can have your baby now!" How cute is that. Then he stood there like I was suppose to have it right then. Don't I just wish.
Sarah is adamant that she is a BOY! She says it all the time, like 30 times a day. Then, she turns around and wants her princess dress up dress on, and says "see mom, I'm a boy" I just say yes, you are a pretty boy!
What else do you do. Only if we could get what we want when we are that small.