24 May 2009


This is my nature girl's hand Brookey bear.

I don't know if this is Sarah's or Spencer's hand, they both held these snails we found.


Can you see how comfortable and balanced she is on this fence? She is into brown now. She loves it!

Apparently I didn't take pictures well of Sarah's this outing. Whoops. she was there, and her true cute self.

A little update.

We went on a drive today. We were able to really get away and get a chance to see what is happening in the world.

We went camping. And the kids were able to eat dinner on top of the motorhome. I love it. I sometimes could stay out there my whole life.

This is my little beauty.

Who is this little number 5. She is so huggable!

This little boy. Is so fun! He is going to kindergarten next year! Can you believe it?

2 more kids to add the updates for. Next post.

13 May 2009

A video of Sarah

I have been trying to upload some videos to this blog using blogger, and it's just plain stunk! I stop waiting after 2 hrs. because it doesn't upload! so I used youtube to upload it uploaded in like 10 min. so, here's the link

click on Sarah Singing

I hope it works. Just let me know what you think? Is it easy to see? TIA!

My little angel girl

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