All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.
27 May 2007
16 May 2007
Solace to the Soul
Brooke learned how to look for bait and fish, and cast her line out a far ways.
A very very nice girl came and offered all our kids rides on her horse. Her horse's name was Montana, and her name was Hannah. A LOVELY girl!
Autumn learned how to build her own fire. And did a GREAT job!
And I, well, not to be to terribly boastful. I made dutch oven Lasagna. It was Perfect! So darn good!
13 May 2007
All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel Mother
I love the feeling I get when I'm with my mom. Like the things I am doing are so much funner when I get to share them with her. She makes me laugh A LOT! I love that.
I really have not got the ability to actually share what I feel with mere words.
I love that she loves my kids. They are my whole world, as you know, and being able to share with someone who also loves them no matter what is the BEST!
I never feel left out when my mom is there. She fills me in every bit. She says it's because she's been far away from her family so she knows what it's like to feel left out. She does magnificent at filling me in. I love that I can predict what is going to happen. Like today, Sunday she's going to go to church, and take care of dad, and eat roast from the crock pot (not neccesarily today because it's mother's day), and write in her notebook, and take her mother's day nap. Just the familiar expected things. She is home base. Not her house, HER! She makes it so "Be it ever so humble there's no place like home" is truly where she is. She came and saw my world and her approval of it meant everything to me! I love that she is so willing to share and give her heart to me.
It is so wonderful to have such a great mom who is so full of energy life and excitement! I love you mom!
I love the things she has shared and taught my Mark (Who was her Mark first). She is such a great supporter. She would give her right arm for her family. I love her for that.
Carol has the greatest sense of humor! She is so darn funny! Just the normal every day tasks are so much funner with her around she giggles her way through the easiest of tasks. She makes it a joy to be around her. I remember when she went with us to a Garth Brooks
She brings such wisdom and tradition to life. She STILL puts up a Christmas tree every year that is so beautifully decorated with ornaments she has made or her kids have made, and collected over the years.
Something that Mark has been able to do that he has said he learned from his parents. No matter what happens with our kids or me, he is quick to forgive and move on. Doesn't hold a grudge and moves to the way of correcting and loving us through our faults. It has held our family together through some CRAZY times. But, with the joy of life that Mark and his family has taught me we have loved eachother through them and grown closer together.
Happy Mother's Day to me!
Brookey made me this WONDERFUL flower. I think I love flowers the absolute MOST!
On it she wrote this poem:
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I hope you love me
And so do I.
She is the most loving cuddly little girl a mom could ever ask for.
She gave me banana nut muffins and fruit punch. The best breakfast I have EVER HAD!
She wrote me this letter.
I love you so much. You are the most fun ever. I will tell you how.
Becasue you sing with me also because you make my bed for me. You always make good dinner. You also look pretty. I can tell you how. You ware the most colorful close. I love your jewelry it always amazes me. Your make up is a winner. That is why I think you are the best mom ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At church Autumn, Brooke and I sang I am a child of God in sacrament meeting together. It was so fun practicing and getting ready we giggled so darn much. As you know I can't sing, but the opportunity to sing with them was something I couldn't miss. They did AMAZING! It was a real treat.
I am wearing the dress Mark suprised me with. It is peach in color and fits like a glove! How does he figure it out? I really dont' know. He's amazing to. I have the best family in the world!!!!!
07 May 2007
My favorite things
Well, I have had an inchin' to share my latest favorites with y'all. I know, kind of wierd, but I would love it if someone shared with me this way. If you have any good things to share wtih me PLEASE feel free!
The song I am loving. "Let it go" #8 on the album. And yes, I live in Utah, where I could find it without to terribly much effort.
Duely I was able to find this new CD player that also plays MP3's so it's not as limiting. Quite excited. 3 times a week I have commited to exercise, this will be helpful.
My kids say "they make you hyper and have to pee." Well, that's probably about right. Oh, well, deal with it.
I LOVE THEM! Cold and the first drink is always the best.
And hey, who's that cutiey with his hands over his face. That is my little buddy.
Ok, so I bought a pair of these new sandals. LOVE THEM! Instantly comfortable. No "breaking in" I forget I have shoes on. That comfortable. Mark said he wouldn't mind trying a pair. So, I go and get a pair for him, they have buy 1 get the second one 1/2 off. so I buy some for my girls. They will last a long time, and they are the most comfortable shoes out there this summer. LOVE THEM! And so does the rest of my family.
It's called Stevia. My neighbor who is absolutely the best health food expert. Uses this. It is a substitute for sugar. It is 100xs more "sugary" than sugar in flavor. It is an extract from a root and is more healthy. So, you get a sweet cravin' put a DROP, I mean a DROP on your tongue and it is satisfying. Put it in your homemade lemonade, like 12 drops does the job. That cool. I am still learning about it, so, experiementing is still in the works.
Mark is cleaning the Bosch store's carpets, for product trade. He got me this knife, and well, I have already cut myself to get that over with. He used it the other night, and well, he was AMAZED at how well it cut an onion. It's AWESOME. Before I was using a hunk of metal to bludgen my food into pieces in compairison.
So, that's the latest and greatest. If there is something you have that you like, or your oppinions on the items I have raved about please, please, share and share alike. I love to know the latest awesome finds that you have.
Thanks for sharing