I am starting with my first Christmas present. Our neighbors took us to dinner and movies.
The movie :
If you haven't seen it. . .it is a MUST! It is funny, sad, happy, WONDERFUL!
Mark and I have been quoting it all day since we saw it. It is so darn good! I am buying it when it comes out no questions asked!
Favorite Babysitter :
It is official. I found one I LOVE! (thanks again to our neighbor) Her name is Janet. I came home to sleeping children and a clean house! And my kids love her to! I will use her more often!
Favorite snack :
Orville Reddenbocker this is the best popping, and tasting popcorn. I love it all flavors.
Favorite youtube video (this changes often, but this is a funny one).
Favorite Commedian:
I think most of my family knows this. He's got a new one out.
Brian Regan
you can youtube him also.
Favorite Pastime :
Teaching Spencer his letters. We are on letter Dd